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Surgeries - Information

      A trans individual may or may not decide to do a surgery, or surgeries, in order for them to live their authentic life. It is a very personal decision, and everyone is different. These are a few articles related to surgical procedures that may be chosen.

       For Albertans, most of the affirming surgery procedures are usually sent to the GrS Montreal hospital in Quebec. See section titled Medical – Surgery @ GrS Montreal (main surgery hospital for Albertans) for information that relates to trans surgeries, and other articles related to preparation( and short-term after-care) through GrS Montreal.


Operation Theater


Ban intersex mutilation now.

By Sophie Labelle. Assigned Male Comics.





Contact AHS for any further questions.


Funding for transition services

Alberta Health Services. LGBTQ2S+ / Sexual and Gender Diversity.


Medical Transition:

     There are several options available for medical transition including hormone therapy and feminizing or masculinizing surgery. Treatment is individualized. Based on your specific health care requirements, your health care provider may prescribe medication (e.g. hormones) or refer you to a Psychiatrist or another expert in transgender care who is registered with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. You don’t always need to be assessed by a Psychiatrist (see below). If you decide that surgery may be needed to relieve your symptoms of gender dysphoria, your health care provider may also refer you to specific specialists to match the surgical approach with your needs.

     When considering a surgical option, discuss your needs with your health care provider as they are the best pathway to care.


Phalloplasty, Metoidioplasty, & Vaginoplasty Procedures:

     This Alberta Health funding program was established under a Ministerial Order with specific program criteria and is not funded under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP).

     Alberta Health provides once per lifetime funding for eligible Alberta residents diagnosed with gender dysphoria who meet the established program criteria to receive Phalloplasty, metoidioplasty or Vaginoplasty. Patients must undergo two independent assessments by Psychiatrists or other physicians with extensive training or clinical experience in assessing and managing the mental health needs of the transgender population, and be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

     Though the program requires two diagnoses of gender dysphoria from Alberta practitioners with extensive training or clinical experience in assessing and managing the needs of the transgender population, any physician licensed in Alberta (psychiatrist, family physician, or others) can submit the application documents to Alberta Health. This means that the patient can be referred to other clinicians with expertise by their family physician, and the family physician may then submit the documents received from other physicians as part of the patient’s application package.  Only complete applications will be processed. Alberta Health will return incomplete applications to the applying physician. Download application forms..

     Surgeries for Phalloplasty, metoidioplasty or Vaginoplasty are provided at the Centre Metropolitain de Chirurgie in Montreal.


Not Funded by Alberta Health:

  • Procedures such as facial feminization, tracheal shave and voice pitch surgery

  • Non-medical interventions such as massage therapy and laser hair removal or electrolysis

  • Take-home medications and equipment

  • Personal expenses, meals and accommodation


Breast Augmentation & Mastectomy

"As of January 21, 2019, patients undergoing surgical transition, breast augmentation and mastectomy must have pre-approval from Alberta Health. A surgeon or primary care provider (PCP) must validate a patient’s eligibility using the Request for Breast Surgery form. Patients must undergo one independent assessment by a Psychiatrist or other physician with extensive training or clinical experience in assessing and managing the mental health needs of the transgender population, and be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

    To meet eligibility criteria for payment, the applying surgeon must submit the pre-approval form to Alberta Health. Note - to qualify for breast augmentation for cis and transgender women as an insured service, the patient must have little to no breast growth as clinically determined by the surgeon.

Please Note: To avoid errors, the following Government of Alberta forms must be downloaded to your computer and opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader instead of being viewed via the web browser. Right click on the URL and click "Save Link As" to save the file to your desktop. Download the approved form Request for Breast Surgery.

    For more information regarding insured services, see Health Care Services Covered in Alberta, update to breast augmentation bulletin and billing codes bulletin."



Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized Practice)


Transgender health in primary care: Initial assessment.

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized Practice). 2019.  (Alberta)

"OBJECTIVE:  This practice tool is designed to be used by primary care providers who encounter an adult patient who is seeking care for gender dysphoria. It is intended as a starting point for physicians who see themselves as not expert in this area.

    This tool can be similarly helpful for any physician such as psychiatrists, internists,
gynecologists, surgeons, and others who may find themselves seeing transgender patients for various reasons in a range of clinical contexts. The content is based on international standards of care and was adapted, with permission, from Canadian sources.

Key Practice Points for Primary Care:

Primary care physicians have a responsibility to serve trans and gender diverse people as any other patient and play a critical role in the care of transgender patients in the following ways:
* Promote an affirming model of care and provide continuity of care including basic medical care.
* Advocate and help the patient navigate the health care system as it relates to all care
including trans care.
* Refer the patient to psychiatry, psychology or other psychosocial or peer supports as
* Monitor for risk of self-harm and substance abuse.
* Is the patient under age 18? Patients are at particularly high risk for distress, leading to self-harm and substance abuse, especially in the months following coming out to family and friends.
* Urgently refer the patient who is under age 18 to a physician with experience in transgender care of youth (go to CPSA list of physicians with special interest in transgender care at: . Search then on the right side of the page, in the “practice interests” box, type “transgender” and hit search). In general, children under 18 do not have to wait until the age of majority to start hormones."


Masculinizing chest surgery: Summary for primary care providers

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized practice). Apr 2019.

"These recommendations are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. They should be used as an adjunct to sound clinical decision making.
OBJECTIVE:  This summary provides information to facilitate discussion of transition-related surgery between primary care providers and patients. It is not exhaustive and does not replace the informed consent process between surgeon and patient.

     Mastectomy is an insured service in Alberta, whether the patient is cis gender or trans gender."

DESCRIPTION:  "Bilateral mastectomy and chest contouring is often described as “Top Surgery”. It removes breast tissue and sculpts remaining tissue into a shape typically considered more masculine. This surgery is irreversible.

     Note also that masculinizing chest surgery has challenges that the family physician needs to be particularly attune to: risk of seroma, patient anxiety around nipple grafts, differing post-operative advice from the surgical community about when to remove dressings and binders, as well
as other concerns."


Feminizing chest surgery: Summary for primary care providers

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized practice). Apr 2019.

"OBJECTIVE:  This summary provides information to facilitate discussion of transition-related surgery between primary care providers and patients. It is not exhaustive and does not replace the informed consent process between surgeon and patient.

    Breast augmentation for trans women is often described as “Top Surgery”. Alberta Health has developed criteria for eligibility for funding for augmentation mammoplasty. It is found at: .

     Criteria for having publicly funded augmentation mammoplasty are identical  whether the patient is cis gender or trans gender. Augmentation mammoplasty is funded in the situation of breast aplasia or hypoplasia (i.e. near-absence of breast tissue) despite at least 12 months of appropriate hormonal therapy. Statistically,
most trans females develop some breast growth with hormonal therapy, but the amount of growth or the appearance are not always satisfactory to all transwomen. In these situations, where there is some but incomplete breast growth, breast augmentation is not an insured service in Alberta."


Metoidioplasty: Summary for primary care providers

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized practice). Apr 2019.

"OBJECTIVE:  This summary provides information to facilitate discussion of transition-related surgery between primary care providers and patients. It is not exhaustive and does not replace the informed consent process between surgeon and patient.

     Alberta Health has developed criteria for eligibility for funding for metoidioplasty, and the application process, found at:
    Metoidioplasty is a masculinizing gender affirming surgery whereby a neophallus is created with the enlarged clitoral tissue. Ligaments around the clitoris are cut, allowing the clitoris to develop a longer shaft similar to a penis. The urethra is extended to the tip of the penis/neo-phallus."


Phalloplasty: Summary for primary care providers

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized practice). Apr 2019.

"OBJECTIVE:  This summary provides information to facilitate discussion of transition-related surgery between primary care providers and patients. It is not exhaustive and does not replace the informed consent process between surgeon and patient.

     Phalloplasty is a multi-staged, irreversible surgical treatment for gender dysphoria, and requires considerable commitment from the patient throughout the process. Patients should make themselves well informed about this journey.
    Alberta Health has developed criteria for eligibility for funding for phalloplasty, and the application process, found at: "
    Phalloplasty is a masculinizing gender affirming surgery to create a penis, scrotal sac and testes."


Vaginoplasty:  Summary for primary care providers

Alberta Health Services. TOP (Toward Optimized practice). Apr 2019.

"OBJECTIVE:  This summary provides information to facilitate discussion of transition-related surgery between primary care providers and patients. It is not exhaustive and does not replace the informed consent process between surgeon and patient.

     Alberta Health has developed criteria for eligibility for funding for vaginoplasty, and the application process, found at:
    Vaginoplasty is a surgical technique to create a vagina and vulva (including mons, labia, clitoris and urethral opening) and remove the penis, scrotal sac and testes."







Some surgeries may be able to be done by a doctor in Alberta. Some currently need to be done in another province (e.g. Montreal).






​Dr Catherine Flood

Urogynecology Wellness Clinic

Lois Hole Hospital for Women

Clinic C/D Robbins Pavilion

Royal Alexandra Hospital

10240 Kingsway Avenue NW

Edmonton, AB  T5H3V9

Phone  780 735 5290

Fax  780 735 589

TIP:  If you are experiencing post GRS surgery complications, you can go to the Royal Alex Hospital and have Urogynecology paged for Dr Flood. Her staff are well-informed.

"We provide care for a wide range of pelvic health concerns including post-surgical care in Edmonton area after GRS surgeries.

     Access to gender affirmation surgery in Alberta is limited, with the majority of patients undergoing 'bottom' surgery having to travel all the way to Montreal. Recognizing the need for post-operative care for patients returning from Montreal, we initiated a gender clinic within the Urogynecology Wellness Centre to assist patients in achieving the best possible results from their surgery."



NOTE:  Click to go to Dr Flood's ongoing Research in Gender Diverse Care on the Affirming Professionals page.


​Exploring barriers faced by transgender Albertans

Women & Children's Research Institute, Univ of Alberta. Edmonton. Sept 2021.

"A University of Alberta research project investigating the barriers transgender Albertans face when seeking gender-affirming surgery will hopefully contribute to the development of an Albertan surgical program for transgender care.

    Alexander Howard, a second-year medical student, explained Alberta lacks a local surgical centre that performs gender-affirming bottom surgeries — such as vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty — and transgender patients must travel out of province to a clinic in Montréal for these procedures. Although these surgeries are publicly funded, patients are responsible for covering the cost of medical supplies and for any companions who travel with them to help with their recovery."






There are doctors performing top surgery. Suggest joining a top surgery support group for recommendations.


Transgender Reaffirmation

Dr M.J. Giuffre, Plastic Surgeon. Edmonton.  (Alberta)

"Dr Martin Giuffre is Edmonton's most senior Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with extensive experience, of 38 years, in all aspects of Plastic Surgery, with special interests in Cosmetic Surgery, Hand Surgery, and Breast Reconstruction.  The surgical procedures in his practice are current, and in keeping with the innovative and creative skills and techniques practiced by leading plastic surgeons in our subspecialty."


FTM top surgery in Canada - Alberta
May not be up-to-date. Worldwide search options, including Canada.

To search Alberta:

To search other other provinces:


NOTE:  Dr Danielle Dumestre is no longer practicing in Edmonton as of July 2022.

An auto-email message from their office April 9, 2022 said: 

"Please be advised that effective immediately Dr. Danielle Dumestre will no longer be seeing any new patients, including cosmetic patients. Her practice is closing July 2022. If you are a patient with a referral to see Dr. Dumestre please contact your referring doctor's office to be re referred to a different plastic surgeon. If you are a current patient of Dr. Dumestre's please call our office as this email is no longer being monitored, nor will any emails be replied to."










Episode 7: Medical Transition: Top Surgery

By Jake and Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between. Podcast post Season 1, Episode 7. Feb 2020.   (Alberta)

“In this episode we talk about Jake’s path to top surgery and his experiences of the procedure and the recovery process. We also discuss the role of the partner and Meaghan Ray’s experience during each stage of this process.”


Gender-affirming surgeries

Gender-affirming surgeries change primary or secondary sex characteristics so that they correspond with one’s gender identity

Trans Care BC Provincial Services Health Authority.   (BC)

[For general information only.  NOTE:  See Alberta resources for specifics on booking surgeries]

"Many trans and gender diverse people are happy with their bodies, or find comfort with their bodies through non-surgical means. Only you can decide whether surgery is right for you

Research shows that gender-affirming surgeries may result in:

  • feeling more comfortable and at ease in your body

  • an enhanced ability to be read by others as your gender

  • a more satisfying sex life

  • an ability (with some surgeries) to take a lower dose of hormone therapy, reducing associated risks and unwanted side effects

  • increased safety and comfort in public situations (i.e. when using pools and gyms, interacting with healthcare providers, crossing borders, interacting with police)

  • an improved ability to fit in your preferred style of clothing

  • the ability to stop binding, padding, packing or tucking"


GRS funding in Alberta: Fact Page
By Trans Equality Society of Alberta (TESA) (2015?).
   NOTE: may be outdated.
“In June 2012, the Province of Alberta reinstated funding for Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS, also sometimes known as SRS, or Sex Reassignment Surgery). This sheet is intended to provide facts to help Albertans seeking to pursue funding for GRS through the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.
(Information provided in this fact page is sourced from the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Bulletin MED 166A, Summary of Program Criteria for the Final Stage Gender Reassignment Surgery Program, issued August 20, 2012.)”


​Having a top surgery in the midst of a pandemic
By Alex Simon for GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, September 2020.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the temporary closure of all surgical centers for trans people. Here is the story of a person who had a mastectomy at GRS Montreal when the hospital reopened.”


I <3 My Chest (I love my chest): A chest health resource for trans* folk
By QMUNITY, BC's Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Resource Centre. Dec 2014. Vancouver, BC.

"Taking care of ourselves and our chests can involve eating well, staying active and getting periodic health check-ups in a setting that feels respectful and caring. It can also mean, whenever we can, surrounding ourselves with people who are inclusive, respectful and loving to us, our gender identities and our bodies."

Download PDF here.
Discusses topics such as: binding safely, bras, hormones, hair removal, surgery and after care, mental health…


​Medical care (Alberta)
Trans Wellness Initiative website.
“This section offers information about health and medical support for trans folks.”
Covers: feminizing hormones / masculinizing hormones / surgery navigation / PrEP / pelvic health / sexual health


My husband’s transition – A partner’s perspective (Part 1 – Exploration)

By Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Jul 2018. (Alberta)


​My husband’s transition: A partner perspective (Part 2: Social transition)

By Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. July 2018. (Alberta)


My husband’s transition: A partner perspective (Part 3: Medical and legal transition)

By Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Jul 2018. (Alberta)


​Organization of your stay at GrS Montreal
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, November 2019
“The mere idea of a major surgery can be enough to arouse anxiety in the future patient. Preparing and organizing one’s own convalescence when having to travel back and forth plus coordinate everything else can amplify the fear. To ensure that everything is going well for their clients, GRS Montreal strives to secure patient peace of mind.”


Publicly funded gender affirming medical care in Canada
By Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH).  UFCW Canada.  2018
Map outlines (by province) all the locations where particular gender-affirming surgeries take place. Listed by name of surgery.


​Recovery home Asclepe
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, November 2019
“Asclepiade is a recovery home, where you can rest and recover after a genital surgery such as vaginoplasty, phalloplasty or metoidioplasty.” The recovery home after surgery at GrS Montreal hospital.


Reflections on top surgery, Part 1 :  Pre-surgery

By Jake. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Feb 2021.

“Gender affirming chest masculinization 'top surgery' is one of the major defining moments for trans men. But getting from your existing chest to the one you want to have can be overwhelming from both the information overload and emotional point of view. Having had surgery 3 years ago, I wanted to share my thoughts on surgery in case it may help someone else in the same position. I’ve created a 3 part series on surgery : Pre-surgery, surgery itself, and post- surgery.“


Reflections on top surgery, Part 2:  Surgery

By Jake. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Feb 2021.

“Gender affirming chest masculinization 'top surgery' is one of the major defining moments for trans men. But getting from your existing chest to the one you want to have can be overwhelming from both the information overload and emotional point of view. Having had surgery 3 years ago, I wanted to share my thoughts on surgery in case it may help someone else in the same position. I’ve created a 3 part series on surgery : Pre-surgery, surgery itself, and post- surgery.”


Reflections on top surgery, Part 3: Post surgery

By Jake. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Mar 2021

“Gender affirming chest masculinization 'top surgery' is one of the major defining moments for trans men. But getting from your existing chest to the one you want to have can be overwhelming from both the information overload and emotional point of view. Having had surgery 3 years ago, I wanted to share my thoughts on surgery in case it may help someone else in the same position. I’ve created a 3 part series on surgery : Pre-surgery, surgery itself, and post- surgery.”



Gender-affirming surgeries change primary or secondary sex characteristics so that they correspond with one's gender identity

Trans Care BC Provincial Services Health Authority.   (BC)

NOTE:  For general information only. See Alberta resources for specifics on booking surgeries.

Discusses surgery considerations; upper body surgeries; lower body surgeries; preparing for surgery, etc.


Things I wish I knew before top surgery

By Ash Hardell. Jul 2018.

Ash's partner Grace talks about caregiving Ash after Ash's top surgery. Ash discusses how she felt after top surgery.

Viewer comments:

I got top surgery last week so I have some advice too!

1. I had soooo much trapped wind after I woke up from the anaesthetic that I couldn’t eat anything without burping or vomiting, that was for the whole first day so just expect some discomfort in that regard?

2. Make sure you poop before surgery, makes life a lot easier in the long run

3. Button up shirts!!

4. Take the painkillers they tell you to take otherwise you’re gonna regret it lol

5. Hydrate yourself, you may have to pee more but it makes life so much easier being hydrated

6. Mentally prepare yourself beyond everything because you’re going through a major change in your life, it’s going to take time to adjust, especially with the pain you’re going through

I hope some of my tips help someone, I wish I’d known a lot of these things before hand!!


Top surgery support group

Skipping Stone. Calgary-based but Alberta-wide supports.   (Alberta)

"Second Wednesday of the month, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm.

This group is open to all folks 16+ who are considering having or planning to have chest reduction, reconstruction, or mastectomy surgery, otherwise known as top surgery. Its goal is to provide space and support for those navigating options, wait times and/or healing.

This group is available by registration only.  For more info and to register: click here"


​TRANSlations: Navigating HRT access in Alberta
ivot Edmonton 2020 Cohort Zine.
Created through a collaboration between the Edmonton Men’s Health Collective (EMHC), CBRC, the Edmonton Pivot 2020 cohort, and the Albertan 2SLGBTQ+ community, TRANSlations is an original zine (online magazine of writings) made up of a collection of community testimonials and works of poetry that illuminate the diverse experiences of twelve 2SLGBTQ+ community members as they navigate Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) access in Alberta. TRANSlations was created to provide a basic overview of what the path to HRT might look like from a community, self-advocacy, and resiliency perspective.”


Watch this before you get top surgery // w/ Ash Hardell

By Jackson Bird and Ash Hardell.  YouTube video. 2018

“What to pack, how to deal with post-surgical depression, how the process differs if you’re not on testosterone, and more things to consider when preparing for top surgery.”


​What is a metoidioplasty?
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, January 2020. 
Montreal, Quebec.
“This article addresses metoidioplasty, a surgery that is part of the gender affirmation process of woman to man (FTM) or to non-binary (FTX).”


What is a phalloplasty?
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, November 2019
“Phalloplasty is a major surgical procedure that aims at constructing or reconstructing a phallus. It is sometimes indicated to correct a malformation or in the case of a micro-penis, but mainly, it is indicated for trans men.”


​What is a vaginoplasty?
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, November 8, 2019, Montreal, Quebec.
“Vaginoplasty is a gender affirmation surgery that creates a vaginal cavity and a vulva from existing genital tissue.”


​What is an orchiectomy surgery?
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue. March 2020.  Montreal, Quebec.
“Orchiectomy is a relatively simple procedure involving the removal of the testicles.”


​What is facial feminization surgery (FFS) ?
GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue, December 2019.  Montreal, Quebec.
“Facial Feminization Surgery, better known by its acronym FFS, is a set of surgical procedures that aims to alter the facial features of the patient in the context of a MTF transition.”


​Why I chose vulvoplasty?
By Frances, for GrS Montreal blog TransAvenue. May 2020
“A vulvoplasty is a gender affirming genital reconstruction surgery that creates a neo-vulva. It fashions the external female genitalia but without a vaginal cavity. “






5 Years post-top surgery Q&A

By Jackson Bird. YouTube video. 2021

“Pain. Healing. Dysphoria. Post-op depression. Answering your top surgery questions and sharing my reflections five years after my own double incision procedure. It's interesting looking back five years on. I think I would've answered some of these pretty differently four or five years ago. Use the chapters or jumplinks skip around and check out my other top surgery videos for more background and additional info."

    Jackson has written a book called Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place. Click here to view on Chapters.


Affirmed: An inclusive guide to medical and surgical transition

By Dr Sidhbh Gallagher. Nov 2020. Book. (US)

“Finding accurate information to help along the path to medical and surgical transition can be challenging. There is still a lack of competent providers in this field and though the internet is a wonderful resource while transitioning, there is just too much myth and inaccuracy out there. This book was conceived in response to just that.

Written by Dr. Gallagher and a group of dedicated colleagues who serve the transgender and non-binary community, it is designed to be a solid resource when it comes to transgender health care. It is primarily designed to deliver information to patients in a way that’s straight forward and jargon free. These concepts can be difficult enough to understand without reading a medical dictionary at the same time! Transitioning is such a complex process and the physical aspect of it is just one part of the puzzle. Our hope is that this guide will help de-mystify the process.”


​Animated FTM and FTN top surgery videos

By Dr Scott Mosser, Gender Confirmation Center. Videos.

“These videos help explain gender surgery procedures…”

FTM = Female to Male.  FTN = Female to Nonbinary


Baltimore doctor saves trans lives with cutting-edge gender reassignment surgery

By Linh Bui. CBS Baltimore. July 15, 2021.

Interviews with Evey Winters, a transgender woman who underwent innovative gender affirming surgery at The Medstar Center for Gender Affirmation, and a doctor who performs the surgery.

“The Medstar Center for Gender Affirmation is dedicated to transgender care. It’s one of only a few centers on the East Coast that performs peritoneum robotic vaginoplasty. …Evey Winters was born in the wrong body. She struggled with identity issues, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. But a cutting-edge surgery performed here in Maryland saved her life. She is a trans advocate and educator. Evey is currently writing a guidebook for trans kids that explains coping techniques, ways to tell your family and medical options.”


​Bottom surgery: What you need to know
Written by Sasha Clary. 2018.  Medically reviewed by Catherine Hannan, M.D.  (US)


Evey's affirming surgeries

By Evey Winters. Private Facebook page.   (US)

Personal accounts of transfeminine surgeries.

NOTE:  18+ CONTENT. 🔴 Content Warning: the group contains imagery from her surgeries that includes video of her operations as well imagery of the healing process and more. There’s nothing held back." 🔴

"... a WLMN (Wanna Learn More Network) project dedicated to educating about transfeminine surgeries like vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery and breast augmentation. By using herself as "a teaching tool," Evey Winters teaches not just about the science of affirming surgery but also the impact on her mental health, social life, and spiritual well being. This group is a documentary and performance art hybrid that offers an intimate, real-time glimpse into the experience of getting these surgeries start to finish. It features weekly live AMA sessions with updates as Evey plans for her procedures, undergoes them all in succession while healing from each one along the way.


​Facial feminization surgery: What you should know
Written by Sasha Clary. 2018. Medically reviewed by Catherine Hannan, M.D.  (US)


​​FTM top surgery guide: Find FTM surgeons, top surgery info

International site. NOTE: Unknown if site is useful for Albertans.

“FTM Top Surgery is a gender affirming procedure for transgender men and non-binary individuals that creates a masculine chest. Top Surgery involves breast removal (Mastectomy) and male chest contouring, and may also include free nipple grafts, or nipple/areola resizing and repositioning. Top Surgery is the most commonly performed gender reassignment surgery for trans masculine people. Top Surgery helps one to live more comfortably, improving psychological and social functioning, and it may be the only surgical step that one takes in their transition.“

​Gender affirming surgery: Affirm your gender identity

Medstar Center for Gender Affirmation.  (US)

Contains a myriad of resources to educate you on surgeries. Female to male, male to female,  MtF, non-binary.

 “If you’re transgender, you may pursue hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery to help align your body with your gender identity. Some transgender individuals also choose to pursue surgery to help reduce or enhance secondary sexual characteristics.”



​​Genital confirmation surgery (GCS)
The International Center for Transgender Care. (US)
“For many transwomen, gender confirmation surgery (or “genital reconstruction surgery”) is the final step in their transition process. The decision to have gender confirmation surgery (GCS) is a very personal, private matter, and not all transwomen will elect to undergo this procedure.”



Hudson’s FTM resource guide
By Hudson.

Supportive website for FTM (female-to-male) trans men, including medical info and presenting. Hudson is a trans man in the US.
“This Guide is intended to provide information on topics of interest to female-to-male (FTM, F2M) trans men, and their friends and loved ones. Non-trans men have also found the pages on men’s grooming and clothing to be helpful. Transgender, cisgender, intersex, non-binary, genderqueer, questioning, and “just plain folks” are all welcome.


​I am Jazz
By Jazz Jennings (of TV show I am Jazz). Video interview. Feb 2019.
Jazz talks about her GRS surgery.


​Introduction to top surgery: Transmasculine, transfeminine, and non-binary procedures

By Gender Confirmation Center, San Francisco, CA.

The process of learning about top surgery, and making your way around all of the information on this site, can be overwhelming.  Hopefully this summary page will serve to provide an overview of the different sections of this website and help you make your way through the learning process.  Think of this page as something of an annotated site map – and then click on the links to access the information….


​Medical resources
LifeOutsideTheBinary website. (US)
“Transition is a unique experience which is completely different for every person, and it is important to remember that not every trans or non-binary person feels the need to adjust their physical body to better align with their identity. Some people many feel the need to have only one or a couple forms of medical intervention, while other people may want to undergo more extensive medical intervention. Your journey is entirely up to you! The purpose of this page is to present the various options available if you are interested in medical transition.”


Non-binary surgery overview

By Gender Confirmation Center, San Francisco, CA.

This content is going to cover the fundamentals of gender identity and the surgical techniques that Dr. Mosser has used with FTN (female to non-binary) identifying patients. This broad introduction will hopefully answer some important questions prior to getting into the specifics of each procedure type. For further information, you may view this hour-long lecture on non-binary identities and surgeries from the 2019 Philadelphia Tran Wellness Conference.


Phalloplasty: Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS)
Written by Corinne O’Keefe Osborn. Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, Ph.D., LCSW, CST. Updated Sept 18, 2018.


Real boy

“A son’s transition. A mom’s transformation.”

Documentary. 2017.  (US)

“A moving and intimate story of a family in transition, Real Boy follows the journey of trans teen Bennett as he navigates adolescence, sobriety, and the physical and emotional ramifications of his changing gender identity. Through the process, his mother Suzy makes her own transformation — travelling a difficult road toward accepting that the daughter she raised as Rachael is now her son Bennett. Filmed over the course of four years, Real Boy is a love story about a mother and son who rediscover connection with each other and find support from their communities, reminding us that families are not only given, but chosen.”


Top surgery support (removal/reduction)

Private Facebook page.
”This group is for trans and nonbinary folks of all genders looking to have top surgery or have had top surgery…(can) ask questions about post surgery care or pre surgery preparation…””


Top surgery - tips from Mama Bears

By Liz Dyer, founder of the Mama Bears.  Nov 16, 2021.   (US)\

"Mama Bears share top surgery tips. These tips come from personal experience."

Link to PDF of top surgery tips.


“Are you considering or have had transition care? You should join our community.”
Private site. Support for trans individuals regarding transitioning but must register to join.


Transgender chest reconstruction

By Gender Confirmation Center, San Francisco, CA.

FTM/N chest reconstruction surgery, also known as “top surgery,” is a solution for transgender men or non-binary transgender people who experience discomfort or dysphoria assciated with their chest or who wish to achieve a more masculine appearance by reducing the size of or removing their chest tissue.


Transgender reconstruction & chest augmentation

By Gender Confirmation Center, San Francisco, CA.   (US)

"MTF/N breast augmentation is a solution for transwomen or non-binary transgender people who wish to achieve a more feminine looking appearance through a surgical procedure that uses saline or silicone implants to enhance the size and shape of the chest. The ultimate goal of surgery is to reduce feeling of gender dysphoria, make you feel more comfortable with your body by better aligning your physical characteristics with your internal sense of self and the self you’d like to present to the world. The relief surgery provides can enhance both your feelings of self-esteem and body confidence.

   Choosing to undergo surgery is a complex process shaped by internal feelings and philosophies as well as by external circumstances such as your overall health, your ability to travel for surgery and your current financial status. To learn more about MTF/N top surgery, you may continue exploring this section of the site, visit our FAQ page, or download a printable PDF that walks you through the process."


Transgender resources
Written by the Healthline Editorial Team — Updated May 29, 2020
Section on surgeries for trans individuals.


​Vaginoplasty: Gender Confirmation Surgery
Written by Corinne O’Keefe Osborn. Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, PhD, LCSW, CST on Oct 18, 2017.


Watch this before you get top surgery // w/ Ash Hardell

By Jackson Bird and Ash Hardell.  YouTube video. 2018

“What to pack, how to deal with post-surgical depression, how the process differs if you’re not on testosterone, and more things to consider when preparing for top surgery.”


What is the difference between an aggressive breast reduction and top surgery?

By Gender Confirmation Center, San Francisco, CA.

When it comes to top surgery, patients sometimes decide between having an aggressive breast reduction and top surgery with a non-flat result. The majority of the particularities here involve the aesthetic difference between the two, and how those differences impact someone’s particular experience with gender dysphoria or discomfort associated with their chest. This article will address the difference between a breast reduction and a top surgery with a non-flat end goal.


What to expect from an orchiectomy
Written by Tim Jewell. Medically reviewed by Shuvani Sanyal, MD on August 18, 2017.


What to expect from gender confirmation surgery
Written by KC Clements. Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP. Dec 21, 2018.


What you should know about orchiectomy for transgender women
Written by Aditi Pai. Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, PhD, LCSW, CST on Oct 12, 2017.




​FTM Books and other titles of interest to trans men

By Hudson’s FTM Resource Guide. (FTM = Female to Male = trans male)

“About Hudson: I’m a trans man who resides in the United States. I wanted to gather information on many topics of concern to trans men and their loved ones, so that a reader could get a solid, detailed introduction to any topic listed here, as well as find links to where they could learn more. I wanted the tone to be accessible and that no matter what the identity of the reader, their stage in transition, or their knowledge of FTM issues, they would be able to walk away with useful, non-judgmental information.” Includes excellent advice for how to recommend an appropriate book for someone else.








 The Trans Parent Alberta 101 website is a compilation

of resources found in the public domain. Use your discretion.

​The creators of this site take no responsibility for the use of these resources.


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