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Videos &
Vloggers (video bloggers)

There are many YouTube and

vlogger (video blogger) videos.




Vivek Shraya quote.jpg

PHOTO CREDIT:  The Trans Canada Project. Vivek Shraya quote.

Trans Canada Project - Kieran.jpg

PHOTO CREDIT:  The Trans Canada Project. Kieran quote.





Welcome to The Trans Canada Project
Bienvenue au Projet Trans Canada

Trans people are people just like you and me. Our goal is to tell the world our stories - the stories of the gender diverse - and humanize this often-marginalized people of this LGBTQ+ group.

Les personnes trans sont des gens comme vous et moi. Notre objectif est de raconter au monde nos histoires - les histoires de la diversité des genres - et d'humaniser ces personnes souvent marginalisées de ce groupe LGBTQ+.


The Trans Canada Project

Cary and Kelly introduce The Trans Canada Project.  YouTube video. April 2021. Cary uses they/them/eux pronouns. Kelly uses she/her/elle pronouns.

"Welcome to the Trans Canada Project! We are glad you stopped by. We need your help to tell the stories of trans people across Canada."

Click for:   Facebook page

Click to go to: "My life, my story" YouTube videos of trans people across Canada talking about their lives

------   Meet Cary (They/Them). Trans Canada Project. May 3, 2021.  YouTube Video. Cary is a non-binary trans person and tells their story.


By Pflag Canada Stories. YouTube video.
Jennifer speaks of her experience as the "mother of a trans-identified young person".


Sam’s story

By The You Inside / Au Coeur de toi Project. YouTube video. 2017.    (Canada)

Excellent short animated film about a transgender child. “Features first “educational transgender toy”

“Sam’s Story is a powerful short film about what it feels like to grow up transgender featuring a beautiful new cover of Roxette’s classic ‘Listen to your Heart‘. Learn more about Sam and support our mission to stop transphobia before it starts at
Click for in English.

Click for in French


The Schitt’s Creek cast reads a letter from over 1,800 moms | Best Wishes, Warmest Regards
Posted by CBC. May 2020. Video.

The cast reads a letter from Serendipitydodah – Home of the Mama Bears (a private facebook group of moms supporting their queer children) thanking them for everything the show has done for the LGBTQ community.
Letter excerpt: “We sincerely believe that shows like Schitt’s Creek will serve as a catalyst to help change the world into a kinder, safer, more loving place for all LGBTQ people to live.”


Unconditional love

By Get REAL Movement. Videos and PDF. London, Ontario. 

"An online educational resource to help families better navigate the coming out process by providing information, tips, and additional resources.

  Studies show that family support can make a critical difference in the well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ youth. That is why we made Unconditional Love.

  On this page, you will find videos containing stories, tips, and resources, shared with us by five diverse families. We've put the stories section first, so you can get to know each family's journey, followed by videos of our 5 key tips: prepare, listen, affirm, educate, and support. The last section of this page contains additional resources, for continued learning and support."


“You are beautiful.” How this transgender woman found the courage to transition. Before and after.

CBC Docs.  AIRED: Tuesday March 31, 2020.   (Canada)

Maya's story. "Growing up in small town Ontario, she always knew she didn’t identify with her assigned gender. It wasn’t until moving to Toronto and attending her first Trans Pride March that she found the courage to finally begin her transition, a choice that ended up saving her life."






​5 Years after top surgery: Q&A

By Jackson Bird. YouTube video. 2021

“Pain. Healing. Dysphoria. Post-op depression. Answering your top surgery questions and sharing my reflections five years after my own double incision procedure. It's interesting looking back five years on. I think I would've answered some of these pretty differently four or five years ago. Use the chapters or jumplinks to skip around and check out my other top surgery videos for more background and additional info:

Jackson's book:  click HERE



10 Things you need to know about transgender people

By Jazz Jennings. YouTube video. June 2015.

“I give advice on how to treat transgender people with the respect they deserve.”


ABC song with Blue! Pride
Blue’s Clues. Video. 2021. (US)
“Sing the ABC Song with Blue and learn about how each letter of the Alphabet is special!”


Ash and Grace Space

By Ash Hardell. YouTube vlogger. 2019. 2022->

More adult content and topics. Including surgeries.


Ash Hardell

Ash is a great non-binary vlogger. ~2015-2019. Continues in Ash and Grace Space.


​Ashley’s Wylde Life
Ashley Wylde’s YouTube channel.
Ashley Wylde is a queer and gender nonbinary writer, activist, and travel enthusiast. Wylde publishes YouTube videos weekly on their channel Ashley’s Wylde Life, and is the creator of The Gender Tag Project, a project exploring the complex ideas of sex, gender roles, gender identity, and gender expression, which has inspired over 1,000 individual videos responses.
Work on 'The Gender Tag Project':

“Gender, sexuality, identity and personal growth. I share my experiences as a non binary trans adult, explain concepts related to being transgender, and talk about the lessons I learn as I move through the world. I love that I am trans, and am proud to be a (reasonably) well-adjusted non binary adult human being. Other topics that are close to my heart are disability justice, racial equality, and the eradication of ableism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia.”


Aydian Dowling. Vlogger.

Aydian vlogs his transition journey to a male. Videos. 2012-->.


Being non binary in the bathroom (and change rooms)
By Ashley Wylde. YouTube video. 2016.
“This week I tell another story about being misgendered in public, and explain what came up for me about bathrooms and changing rooms.”


Beyond male, female and transgender: A discussion of non-binary gender identities

Gender Spectrum. YouTube video. 2015.
“Gender Spectrum hosted a live broadcast discussion to help parents and family members to gain some understanding around when a loved one says they are genderqueer, agender, bigender, non-binary, or other gender identities.”


Busting some common myths about being transgender
BBC. Video. (UK)


Calling my mom to tell her I'm trans

By Ash Hardell.  Feb 2018. YouTube vlog.

“Explaining a non binary identity to a parent can be a scary and tricky task. People as me all the time for advice on the matter, but until recently I didn't even know how to go about this myself! Just a couple months ago I called my mom to tell her I'm trans. Today I have the privilege of sharing that phone call with you.”


Changes from 5 years on testosterone / transition update

By Jackson Bird. YouTube video. Apr 2020

“In this five years on testosterone update video as an FTM trans man, I discuss my experiences with using finasteride to treat hair loss, get real about how I often felt behind other people’s physical transitions, question what changes are caused by being on testosterone for this length of time versus being on testosterone at this age, and I share some things I’ve never mentioned publicly before.” 


A conversation between a mother and her nonbinary child

By Shira. March 2021. YouTube video.


Conversations with a gender therapist

With Dr Dara Hoffman-Fox (they/them), LPC. Videos. 2014-present.

"Hi, this is Dara Hoffman-Fox, and welcome to CONVERSATIONS WITH A GENDER THERAPIST. This is where I answer questions from those who are transgender, nonbinary, and gender questioning, as well as those who love them."

Click for book link "Gender identity: A guide to discovery" or Dara's WEBSITE.


Dear parents of LGBTQIA+ youth

By Amy Graceee. YouTube video. 2016.  (AUS)

A message to parents from a young member of the community.

“I have wanted to make this video for a while because I definitely think there's not enough on the internet directed at the parents of us LGBT individuals! I hope that this video can resonate with you and helps you understand yourself or others better or simply that you can resonate with it in some way, shape or form!”


​​Debi Jackson reading “That’s good enough”
YouTube video. 2014. (US)
“Debi shares the story of her daughter, who transitioned from male to female when she was four years old. She challenges the ignorant comments she hears about having a transgender child.”


Do's and don'ts when your child comes out to you

By Liz Dyer (founder of Mama Bears) and Sarah Cunningham (founder of Free Mom Hugs). Oct 2021.

"In honor of National Coming Out Day Liz Dyer and Sara Cunningham are joining forces to help parents be a safe place for their kids to come out and make the world a kinder, safer, more loving place for all LGBTQ people to live and thrive. For more info and resources visit:  Real Mama Bears site and the Free Mom Hugs site."


Don't be quiet about supporting transgender kids. Get louder.

Posted @withregram from Parents of Trans Youth Facebook page. Mar 15, 2022..  (US)


​A father’s journey with his transgender daughter
By Bridget & Jackie. Transgender School Podcast. YouTube video & podcast. Mar 2021. (US)
“In this episode, we add a special guest to the conversation, Bridget’s spouse and Jackie’s father, Neal Thornhill. We talk about the journey of having a transgender child from a parent’s perspective and how Jackie’s experience with announcing her transition publicly made her a stronger person. In the last episode, Bridget shared her first reactions to Jackie coming out as transgender, and today you’ll hear how Neal dealt with the news initially and what are, in his opinion, the things every parent should avoid. Tune in to hear Neal’s internal battle between wanting to prevent his family from suffering and feeling powerless in the face of the unknown territory he stepped into.”


The Gender Tag Project
By A. Wylde. Series of YouTube videos. (US)
“The Gender Tag Project is a YouTube “tag” video that encourages individuals to answer a set of ten prompts, relating to their experience with gender, in the form of a YouTube video. The Gender Tag videos are compiled in a YouTube playlist called “The Gender Tag Project.” There are 10 Gender Tag Prompts.


Growing pains

By Freddie Lewis.  Video.   (UK)

Excerpt from lyrics for musician Freddie's song Growing Pains:

   "One day the love you have for the inside of you

   Will be matched when your gaze meets itself In the reflective glass hung on the wall

   And you'll catch your face in your hands and it'll feel like yours

   One day your body will be your home

   And you'll be everything you wanna be

   And the boy in the mirror won't cry anymore"


HELP! I’m confused about my gender
By Ashley Wylde. YouTube video. Jun 2016. (Canada)
“What do you do when you’re thinking, ‘I’m confused about my gender.’ When it comes to questioning your gender, doubts are about the most natural thing that could ever happen. Even if you’re feeling confused, it is okay to continue to question and explore your gender. Gender is confusing! You are doing a great job! Watch this video for advice about navigating these inevitable doubts!”


How to help your trans child

By Connor O'Keefe.  Video.  2017.

Connor, a trans man, created this video, for all parents, with suggestions on how to help your child.


"Interesting Dynamic" with Adam & Ann Miller

YouTube videos by Adam & mom Ann Miller.  (US)

"A gay trans man and his mom talk about real LGBTQ+ issues."


Jackie defines transgender

Transgender School. Video. May 2021.

Bridget & trans daughter Jackie created Transgender School.


Jackie's dad's advice for parents of trans kids

Transgender School. May 2021.

A dad's perspective when his daughter came out as transgender. Transgender School was created by mom Bridget & trans daughter Jackie.



Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD

Kids in the House "The Ultimate Parenting Resource website".

​"Johanna Olson, MD is a pediatrician in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Medical Director of the hospital’s Center for Transyouth Health and Development.  She specializes in the care of transgender youth, gender variant children, youth with HIV, and chronic pain. Board certified in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Dr. Olson is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.

   Parenting expert on: Gender Differences, Gender Identity, Transgender Kids, Body Image"

My Videos  (active tab):

Defining transgender and gender non-conforming

Help for accepting a gender non-conforming child

Social transitioning for gender non-conforming children

Assessing readiness for medical puberty suppressants

Deciding when to treat a youth for gender re-assignment

Early vs. later intervention for gender non-conforming children

Efficacy, safety & side effects cross-sex hormone therapy

Financial and cultural challenges of getting care for transgender issues

Issues facing a gender non-conforming child

Issues facing the vulnerable population of gender non-conforming youth

Meet Johanna Olson, MD

Online support for gender non-conforming children

Pediatrician vs. specialist for treating gender non-conforming children

Selecting the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children

Statistics & solutions for regretting gender treatment

Statistics for transgender children

Steps for treating a boy who feels he is a girl

Steps for treating a girl that feels she is a boy

The evaluation for gender re-assignment

The spectrum of gender non-conforming people

Understanding cross-sex hormone therapy

Understanding gender confirmation surgery

When parents disagree about gender non-conforming child

When parents don't support their transgendered child



Kids in the house

“Transgender video series hosted by clinical psychologist Diane Ehrensaft, PhD, author of Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children.”


I am Jazz
By Jazz. Video interview. Feb 2019. (US)
Jazz Jennings (of TV show I am Jazz) talks about her GRS surgery.


Meant for something more

Short video. 2019.  (US)

"Trans teen suicide awareness music video."

WARNING: Graphic content and suicide triggers


My kid says they’re transgender. Now what?

What do you do when your kid says they're trans?
By Schuyler Bailar. YouTube video. 2019.  (US)
“This page explains in detail why it is always better for a parent to affirm their child’s identity when they come out as trans. It includes a video, a script for the video, and additional thoughts and frequent arguments in response. And it is all backed up with empirical research and their citations.”

Transcript of this YouTube video.
Schuyler's website.



TV series.  2015-2021.  (US)

Nicole Maines is an actress and advocate for the trans community.

"As an actress, Maines has played Nia Nal on the CW superhero series Supergirl (2018–present) since the fourth season. She is the first to portray a transgender superhero on television." 


Nicole Maines - TV’s first transgender superhero

Interview on video. PinkNews, Nov 4, 2021.

"Supergirl actress Nicole Maines sat down with PinkNews to give us an exclusive look into TV's first transgender superhero, why LGBT+ representation is so important, and the fight for trans rights."

   "As an actress, Maines has played Nia Nal on the CW superhero series Supergirl (2018–present) since the fourth season. She is the first to portray a transgender superhero on television."


Our transition

Film by Connor O'Keefe for his parents. 2020.

"Check out the Q&A HERE (with Connor's parents)!

    The filmmaker tells the story of his transition as a youth through the perspective of his parents. This film has meant a lot to me over its years of creation and screening at festivals. It was over a year-long project putting everything together and finding the right way to tell this story. I've had a blast watching it alongside audiences over the past year and a half, and have even been able to travel outside the US with it (thank you FRKA!).

     But it's time for it to come home. YouTube was where I first heard what the word trans meant. It was where the lightbulb went off. It was also where I spent months of my time as a young kid listening to other queer folks, practically devouring experiences and reflections that felt so much like my own whom I had no one in my immediate life to share with. The online trans community helped me find myself, and eventually became a key tool as my parents and I learned about gender together. And while the landscape of YouTube and online video as a whole has changed drastically in that time, the accessibility and democracy at the core of videos online hold an important place in my heart and art practice.

     I made this film in the hopes that one day, it could help someone out the way trans YouTubers have helped me. When one person embarks on a gender journey, the people closest to them tend to go through a journey of their own. With healthy communication and support, this can be a beautiful time to share. I hope other families can feel hope and love in what my parents and I experienced together. Hope you enjoy the film!"


​​Parenting non-binary kids

YouTube video. 2017. (US)
“Are you parenting a child who falls outside of the traditional gender binary? This video is for you! Gender Spectrum’s Lisa Kenney and Pamela Wool provide an overview of issues for parents of non-binary children and teens to keep in mind.”


Puberty and transgender youth
By Amaze.Org. YouTube video. 2019
“Everyone has a gender identity—a feeling or sense of being male, female or somewhere in between. Sometimes people’s gender identity matches their bodies, and sometimes it does not. Someone may be born with a penis and identify as a girl or born with a vagina and identify as a boy. This person may have a gender identity that is called 'transgender'.

     What’s important to remember is that people deserve to express themselves in ways that feels right for them and to be respected no matter how they identify, look or dress.”

By Jackson Bird.
Youtube video series on the history of LGBTQ.


Range of gender identities


”Everyone has a gender identity—a feeling or sense of being male, female or somewhere in between. Sometimes people’s gender identity matches their bodies, and sometimes it does not. When you share your gender identity with the world through clothing, makeup, how you talk, act and more, this is called ‘gender expression.’ A person’s gender identity and gender expression can be different.”


​Thanks parents for being and doing good

By Jeffery Marsh (vlogger, non-binary).  YouTube video.

​Jeffrey is an open and honest non-binary person who lovingly acknowledges and supports the parents who support their non-binary children, and addresses many of the questions, comments and concerns around non-binary and gender fluid people in a very loving way.

For page of Jeffery's videos click HERE.


Tips for parents of transgender and gender diverse children
By Liz Dyer, founder of Mama Bears and Sara Cunningham, founder of Free Mom Hugs. YouTube video essage. March 2021.  (US)
“In honor of Transgender Day of Visibility Sara Cunningham and Liz Dyer share some tips for parents of transgender and gender diverse kids.”


Trans in America: Texas strong
Kai Shappley: A trans girl growing up in Texas.

Emmy-Winning Documentary. 2018.  (US)
Trans In America: Texas Strong is an intimate portrait of Kimberly and Kai Shappley, a mother who has to confront her religious community while her 7-year-old transgender daughter navigates life at school— where she’s been banned from the girls’ bathroom.”


Transgender School Podcasts

"Education. Allyship. Advocacy."

Various podcasts discussing different topics. Bridget and Jackie, her trans daughter, created the Transgender School to educate people on the trans community.


Why gender pronouns matter

"Trans students explain why pronouns are important"

YouTube video.  2017.

Transgender teen shares powerful message
By the Bully Project. 2016. YouTube video.  (US)
“Transgender teen shares powerful message on bullying on note cards: “We’re not a threat. We are just like any other kids. We only want people to accept and love us for who we are.”

Click for link to the Bully Project.


Understanding sexual orientation

Transgender School Podcast Ep. 14. Feb 3, 2022. YouTube video.   (US)

"What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Why are there so many different labels for sexual orientation and what do they all mean? Are the labels helpful or problematic? Can my (or my child’s) sexual orientation change over time? How can I ever begin to understand all this?

      In this episode, we answer these questions more in a very frank mother-daughter discussion about sexual attraction, romantic attraction, and emotional and physical intimacy. We wanted to dive deep into this topic because we know it can be very confusing for people. We explore the ways parents tend to make assumptions about their kids’ sexual orientations and gender identities. In fact, in this very conversation, Jackie reveals something new about the history of her sexual orientation that Bridget didn’t know.

      We offer ideas for how we can all be more aware of and open-minded about the fluidity of the various forms of attraction that human beings may experience in the span of their lifetime. We discuss the importance of understanding that no sexual orientation has definitive, fixed characteristics. This is why parents' efforts to identify and label their kids based on specific behaviors or traits are generally pointless. Unless your child explicitly expresses it to you, you likely have no idea how they experience their own sexual orientation. We also talk about intersex people, how the cisgender community perceives and treats queer people, and their reaction to couples in visibly queer relationships. To close today's episode, we go through some sexual orientation definitions and terminology.

      In this episode, you will learn:  How people express their sexual orientation, and that there are at least 46 terms to define sexual orientation (4:19); The differences between sexual and romantic attraction (5:58); About parents and their preconceived ideas of their children's sexual orientation and gender identity (8:20); There is NO universal way of being gay, bisexual, or experiencing any other type of attraction; it is an individual experience (12:43); How cisgender people perceive and treat queer people (18:34); Some sexual orientation definitions and terminology (27:02)"


Watch this before you get top surgery ....with Ash Hardell

By Jackson Bird and Ash Hardell.  YouTube video. 2018.  (US)

“What to pack, how to deal with post-surgical depression, how the process differs if you’re not on testosterone, and more things to consider when preparing for top surgery.”


When someone comes out: A PFLAGer’s guide to demonstrating support and acceptance recording & training toolkit

By Pflag National. (US)
Previously recorded online meeting. YouTube video.


​Why Elliot Page coming out as trans is a BIG DEAL!
By Ashley Wylde. Dec 2020. YouTube video.  (US)
“Elliot Page comes out as trans – December of 2020 – this is a BIG DEAL! Coming out can be a difficult part of a trans person’s experience in our cutlure, but being transgender is beautiful, wonderful thing, and something to love about yourself. Elliot Page wrote a heartfelt message to fans coming out as trans, letting people know his name is Elliot Page, and that his pronouns are he/they.”


Your gender stories
By Gender Spectrum. (US)
Site has an interesting section of “video stories” of community members. “Works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.”










 The Trans Parent Alberta 101 website is a compilation

of resources found in the public domain. Use your discretion.

​The creators of this site take no responsibility for the use of these resources.


© 2021 by


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