Community Resources for Youth
- Support Groups & Organisations -
Support groups and organisations supporting trans, non-binary and gender diverse youth in Alberta. Other organisations of possible interest are also included.
There is also a section with articles, blogs, videos etc in the section titled Information Resources for Trans Youth for and by community members (articles, blog posts, books, videos etc).
​Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS)
"Based in Edmonton, Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS) provides immediate and low-barrier overnight and day shelter, temporary supportive housing, and individualized wrap-around supports for young people aged 15–24."
ST ALBERT (and area)
May 3, 2024: Outloud St Albert announced the devastating news that they have ceased operations immediately due to financial issues.
​​​​​Skipping Stone
Calgary-based but serving Alberta.
Extensive supports for transgender people and families in Alberta. Numerous support groups including for parents and for trans people - children to adult.
“We envision a province where trans and gender diverse individuals are surrounded by positivity, affirmation, and support free from barriers, stigma, and discrimination. To that end, our mission is to connect trans and gender diverse youth, adults, and families with comprehensive and low barrier access to the support they need and deserve.”
Click to go to support groups, including those for youth.
Skipping Stone Foundation supports transgender youth in Alberta
City News, Calgary. Article. Apr 11, 2021.
"Eddy Robinson is the community programs and outreach team lead with Skipping Stone. Robinson says the services they provide 'are life-saving' across the province. 'When there is a lack of representation or a lack of resources, it fills a gap. It fills a need,' Robinson said. 'Recent research has told us that wait times are the hardest for trans folks and that’s when you see high suicidality.'
Started by Lindsay Peace and Amelia Marie Newbert, the foundation has expanded to fill gaps in healthcare, education, social services, and other needs of transgender people in Alberta. In 2017 the organization became a direct service provider, and in 2018 they launched their own care program."
​Inside Out (at Calgary Outlink)
A youth group at Calgary Outlink - Calgary's Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity.
"A fun, casual, and simultaneously supportive community group for 2SLGBTQ+ identified or questioning youth ages 13-18 along with their friends, family and allies. The group is a safe and welcoming place for all. Group facilitators are trained peers from the community.
Phone: (403) 234-8973
Email: info@calgaryoutlink.ca
Calgary Outlink is a community-based, not-for-profit charity dedicated to providing support, education, outreach, and referrals for the LGBTQ2IA+ and allied community in Calgary, Alberta.
Located in Edmonton.
"Dragging Youth (est 2016) is a 100% volunteer organization. Family-friendly all-age drag shows, plus more support throughout the month. A place for young and old to perform, relax, enjoy, find mentorship and friends in a 2SLGBTQQIA+ safe environment, while we raise funds for great causes.
Monthly shows are at the Unitarian Church of Edmonton (UCE). UCE has no stairs going into the building or to public areas. Button-operated front door. Ramp for performers to get on stage. Accessible, gender neutral washrooms. Quiet room where shows can be viewed with decreased stimulus. Free app for those hard of hearing."
Address: 10804 - 119 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5H 3P2
Phone: 587-920-8791
Email: DraggingYouthShows@gmail.com
Website: https://linktr.ee/draggingyouthshows
Instagram: @dragging_youth
TikTok: @draggingyouthshows
Pride Centre of Edmonton - QueerOUT Youth Programming
2nd Floor, 10618 105 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5H 0L2
Date: Monday to Thursday
Time: Nine hours of Youth Programming per week!
"COME AS YOU ARE!! A safe space for queer, trans, non-binary and gender diverse youth (ages 13 – 24) to to explore and affirm identity, engage in fun activities, peer support, and find affirming care and support."
For more information about our youth programming please email us at youth@pridecentreofedmonton.ca
HOME - A Place For Youth to Live and Gather
Red Deer. Phone: (403) 597-8496. Email: Home.ed.rd@gmail.com
"Home is a Two-Spirit, Indigenous, Queer-Led Organization dedicated to offering hope, opportunity, mobilization, education, and advocacy to youth across central Alberta. Our paramount objective is to establish Safe Spaces for at-risk youth from all backgrounds. Through culturally sensitive and empowering initiatives, we aim to create environments where every young person feels valued, supported, and inspired to pursue their potential. By fostering inclusivity and understanding, we strive to be a catalyst for positive change, ensuring that every youth, regardless of their background, finds a welcoming haven to thrive, learn and grow."
Rainbow Alliance for Youth of Edmonton
“A space of tools and resources for LGBTQ2S+ youth. Our committee’s purpose is to share the diverse stories of LGBTQ2S+ youth between ages 12–24 living in the Edmonton area to promote increased understanding, empathy, and knowledge of this community’s specific needs, strengths, and experiences. “
​Big Brothers Big Sisters Boys & Girls Club of Edmonton and Area Queer Youth Mentoring
“…is specifically designed for youth who identify as LGBTQ+ and matches them with someone who understands.”
Resources for youth and families
”Please ask the Pride Centre of Edmonton information & referral specialists for more information about other ways to connect to local 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and services.” Download PDF of resources.
Centre for Sexuality, Edmonton.
Contact the Centre for information on their next program date.
"Centre for Sexuality is launching From Me to We, a program which creates a safe and welcoming space just for transgender, Two-Spirit, non-binary and gender non-conforming youth to build knowledge, skills, confidence, and social connection.
Program participants will explore their identities; experience a sense of belonging and acceptance; and build their knowledge, skills, and confidence to develop, participate, and maintain healthy relationships with themselves, others, and their communities.
The program includes 3 Modules: Relationship with Self, Relationships with Others and Relationships with Community over 13 weeks.
Sessions will be one weeknight per week, plus four Social Saturdays over the course of the program. Sessions will be a mix of online and in-person at the Central Library. We will be running programs for two cohorts: 14-17 and 18-20 years of age.
Keep your eye on this page and our social media for information on future sessions.
Questions? Reach out to Melia at mwylie@centreforsexuality.ca "
​"Camp Dragonfly is a summer camp for trans+, gender-creative and gender diverse kids, their siblings, and friends
Click to see the video about Camp Dragonfly on "Our Story". Check website to see when next summer camp is running.
"Camp Dragonfly has been thriving in south Edmonton since the summer of 2018. With the help of a small group of dedicated volunteers, lots of community support, and camp organizers Alison & Zoë, Camp Dragonfly served over 160 families from across Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
Camp Dragonfly’s mission is to provide trans+, gender-creative, and gender queer kids with opportunities to create, connect and celebrate. We gather twice a year for a weekend of games, crafts, music, drama, art, sports, outdoor activities, and a community meal.
Camp Dragonfly isn’t exactly about being trans+ or gender-creative – even though it is for trans+ and gender-creative kids! It’s about belonging in community and being celebrated for exactly who you are. It’s and a chance to just be a kid in a safe(r) space.
Over the years we’ve had phenomenal queer, trans+ and non-binary leaders and volunteers lead kickboxing, photography, drama, art, cooking, and dance at camp. Alongside them are a number of volunteer camp counsellors who give their time and energy to Camp Dragonfly, and who serve as role models and caring adults for the community.
Each summer, we eagerly welcome new and old friends to camp. We’re greeted with huge smiles and big hugs as children and parents reconnect with each other and forge new friendships. Camp Dragonfly offers a fun, engaging, and safe(r) summer camp experience for children, opportunities for parents and families to find support, and broad community outreach."
University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, Edmonton.
"Camp fYrefly is a fun, educational, social, and personal leadership retreat for queer and trans youth ages 14 - 24. Campers explore their identity, build resilience, enhance self esteem, and develop leadership skills that will positively impact their lives, homes, schools, and communities. Workshops, mental health support, art programming, and community building, are just some examples of what to expect!
Check out the Program pages for more information or the location (Alberta North, Alberta South, Ontario and Saskatchewan) nearest you to apply.
Five Program Pillars. Camp fYrefly develops and delivers all programing using five research driven fundamentals:
Community Building - Creating a socially just and inclusive community;
Leadership - Building youth leadership capacity;
Education - Self and social development;
Arts - Learning through art, music, writing, performing arts, and games;
Resiliency - Providing opportunities for youth to develop the skills to address discrimination, hate, and injustice."
Click on link for info on next summer camp dates for Alberta North fYrefly.
Click on link for info on nextsummer camp dates for Alberta South Camp fYrefly.
​Gender Generations Project (GGP)
Empowering gender diverse youth through connections and creations
Based in Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC. Formerly the Trans Tipping Point Project.
"As a youth you’ll be able to attend a wide variety of workshops and activities, as well as participate in a large group project. This year, we’re making a mural! Our workshops can focus on art, writing, sports, activism, culture, and so much more. Our central programming supports youth aged 5–18.
The Gender Generation Project hosts biannual weekend retreats for Trans, Two-Spirit, Non-Binary, and other gender diverse youth! Youth learn under Trans+ experts in a variety of fields—often working towards a large, creative project.
The project fosters connections between the youth and adult mentors with shared or similar gender identities and backgrounds who can support and inspire them to live their truths in spite of adversity. In the past we have focused on the creation of projects in the realm of fine arts, such as writing, visual art, and performance, and are working on expanding our fields of interest into other areas. Starting as a writing program, we have published two books so far!
The Gender Generations Project works to empower Trans, Two-Spirit, Non-Binary, and other gender diverse youth so that they can recognize their potential to be leaders in their own communities through British Columbia, and the rest of the world. We are hosted on the territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees and Esquimalt) Peoples, in beautiful Victoria BC, and see youth and mentors from all across Canada."
Click for BC and other Resources on their website.
Email: info@gendergenerations.org
Instagram: @gendergenerationsproject
Facebook: @GenderGenerationsProject
Gender Creative Kids
Montreal, Quebec.
Excellent website. Many resources for parents and kids.
“Gender Creative Kids is a reference community organization that has supported trans, non-binary, and gender-fluid youth’s affirmation within their families, schools, and communities since 2013.”
Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender members
Girl Guides Canada.
Not a support group for transgender youth, but they have written guidelines for inclusion.
"Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) recognizes and values the richness of human diversity in its many forms, and therefore strives to ensure environments where girls and women from all walks of life, identities, and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can participate fully. As such, persons who live their lives as females are welcome to join GGC. This document will assist Unit Guiders who are working with girls who identify as transgender. These guidelines will help you welcome and include transgender members in your unit, as well as work with transgender adult members or parents."
​Kids: Welcome to a space just for you!
By Gender Creative Kids. Montreal, QC.
For youth. Answers frequently asked questions/FAQs such as: Can you be too young to be trans? Do I have to come out? Do I have to change my name? What is a binder?
By Andre P. Grace with Kaz Lim. ISMSS (Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services), Edmonton. 2019.
“This resource is hardly complete amid the explosion of trans* resources and supports ever emerging in Canada. However, it is representative of the growth in resources and supports for trans*, gender nonconforming, and gender questioning children and youth across Canada. The resource also includes an emphasis on cities and provinces where iSMSS conducts youth intervention, outreach, social education, and comprehensive health education. For iSMSS, the connector is Camp fYrefly, our flagship program that helps sexual and gender minority youth across our country to get to know one another and build community.” ​Click to download PDF.
On Pinkmantaray website. (US)
“Schuyler is the first trans athlete to compete in any sport (swimming) on an NCAA D1 men’s team, and the only to have competed for all four years. He is an internationally-celebrated inspirational speaker and a respected advocate for inclusion, body-positivity, and mental health awareness.”
Many educational videos on his Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/pinkmantaray/
Resources for parents: http://pinkmantaray.com/parents
Gender and young people: FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Gender Spectrum website. (US)
“Check out our collection of your most commonly asked questions”
e.g. “What is gender and how do I figure mine out?
* Are gender and sexual orientation the same thing?
* What is gender dysphoria?
* What does gender dysphoria feel like? How do I describe it to other people?
* How do I talk to my family about my gender? I’m afraid — what will they say?
* Do other pieces of who I am such as my race, faith, class and culture impact my gender?
* How does mental health related to my gender?
* Who do I share with about my gender? /
* I think I identify as transgender and/or non-binary but I’m not 100% sure. Is that OK
​Open letter to a transgender young person
By John Pavlovitz, March 2021.
“I just want you to know that I see you, that I am for you, that I am in your corner as you struggle to simply be and to breathe freely and to step fully into the dreams you have for the future. I want you to know that I am fighting for you today as I am able, and that I will keep fighting for you because you are so worth fighting for.”
John Pavlovitz is a writer, pastor, and activist from North Carolina. A 25-year veteran in the trenches of local church ministry, John is committed to equality, diversity, and justice – both inside and outside faith communities. He is the author of A Bigger Table, Hope and Other Superpowers, Low, and Stuff That Needs to Be Said.”
Resources for international LGBTQ youth
The Trevor Project. NOT a crisis line -- see "Crisis & Mental Health Support" section.
"No matter where you live, you can access TrevorSpace, a safe and secure social networking site for LGBTQ young people and their allies"
Where’s my book? A guide for transgender and gender non-conforming youth, their parents, & everyone else
By Linda Gromko, MD. 2015. Book.
“Linda Gromko, MD is a Board Certified Family Physician who has worked with the transgender community for nearly 18 years. She explains the basics of gender identity, sexual orientation, puberty, puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and gender affirming surgeries. She shares years of her patients’ wisdom and practical information on getting through every day in the best way possible—from coming out to parents, to school issues, to coping with depression, to love and sex. Why is this book important? We know that transgender kids and their families need specialized information. Alarmingly, the suicide attempt rate among trans youth is close to half! This book is intended to give gender non-conforming kids some of the information they need to grow to be happy, productive, loving and loved. It’s intended to provide the information we need as parents, educators, and health care providers to do better with and for our kids.“
